
FREE – Southeast Raleigh Community & Personal Safety Forum

John Chavis Memorial Park 505 Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, Raleigh

We are excited to bring needed attention to Southeast Raleigh and issues that matter to our community. Concerned citizens of Southeast Raleigh are hosting the free Southeast Raleigh Community and Personal Safety Forum on Thursday August 5, 2021 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the John Chavis Community Center.

East Wake Republican Club Meeting August 5th 2021

McLean’s Ole Time Café 418 W Gannon Ave, Zebulon

East Wake Republican Club Meeting Thursday August 5, 2021 7:00 pm @ McLean’s Ole Time Cafe 418 W. Gannon Avenue Zebulon NC 27597 https://eastwakerepublicans.com/