
Raleigh Republican Club

Regular monthly meeting:  Election Recap by Jim Stirling, John Locke Foundation   Optional dinner at 5:30 PM, meeting starts at 6:30 Once again at our Oct., Nov., and Dec. meetings bring your “Conservative Books” which will be donated to Mr. Bob Luddy for his schools.   

Wake GOP Food Drive

Wake County Republican Party Office 1401 Sunday Dr. Suite 105, Raleigh

Bring items to the Wake County Republican Party Office1401 Sunday Dr. Suite 105, Raleigh, NC 27607Open Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 5:00 pmItems needed the most include: Peanut butter, Canned soup, Canned fruit,Canned vegetables, Canned stew, Canned fish, Canned beans, Pasta (most prefer whole grain), and Rice (most prefer brown rice).These items will be […]

Wake YR Annual Christmas Party

Join us for the annual Wake YR Christmas party at the home of our immediate past chair on Friday, Dec 2, at 7pm. Address will be emailed to those who register via Eventbrite prior to the event. We will have food and some drinks but feel free to BYOB. There will also be a bonfire […]

Raleigh Republican Club

Regular Monthly meeting: This month's speaker and topic is “Free Speech on Campus” by Jenna Robinson, The James G. Martin Center.  Optional dinner at 5:50, meeting starts at 6:30 Once again at our Oct., Nov., and Dec. meetings bring your “Conservative Books” which will be donated to Mr. Bob Luddy for his schools. 

Candidate and Volunteer Appreciation

Wake County Republican Party Office 1401 Sunday Dr. Suite 105, Raleigh

Join us Saturday December 10th from 1-3pm at the Wake County Republican Party Headquarters. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP.


Post Election Debrief

Wake County Republican Party Office 1401 Sunday Dr. Suite 105, Raleigh

Join us at the Wake GOP Office for a post election debrief on the midterm elections. December 15th at 6:30pm. Please RSVP to attend.


Wake Forest area Republican Club January meeting

Please join us for our monthly meeting as we welcome our guest speaker Angela Hawkins Wake County Board of Elections Board Member, Secretary. We meet at the Real McCoy's Restaurant on Rogers Road in Wake Forest. Come for dinner at 6PM meeting starts at 7PM.

Raleigh Republican Club

Thursday, Jan. 12th, 6:30pm Milton's Pizza Restaurant, Six Forks/Strickland Speakers: Charles Dingee - Election recap for Wake Co Charles Hellwig - Election recap for NC


Wake County Young Republicans: Pins & Politics

Buffaloe Lanes Cary 151 High House Rd, Cary, NC

Join the Wake County Young Republicans for our monthly meeting/social event at Buffaloe Lanes in Cary. If you wish to bowl, the cost is $12 a person including shoe rental. We will have a couple lanes reserved. Fortnight Brewing is around the corner if anyone wants to get drinks after. See you there!

Western Wake Republican Club January Meeting

Please join us for our monthly meeting as we welcome our guest speaker NC House District 37 Representative Erin Pare. Also speaking are newly elected Wake County Republicans; Julee Flood-NC Court of Appeals and Beth Farrell-Wake Soil and Water District Supervisor. Monday, January 23, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Dinner & Social at 6:00 p.m. Speakers […]


Movie Night at the Wake County Republican Office – January 25, 2023

Wake County Republican Party Office 1401 Sunday Dr. Suite 105, Raleigh

Register to join us for Movie Night at the Wake County Republican Office where we will be screening Capitol Punishment. Pizza, Popcorn and cold drinks will be provided. Sign up to save your spot. 
