
Western Wake Republican Club February Meeting

Join us for our monthly club meeting as we welcome our featured speaker Hal Weatherman, candidate for NC Lt. Governor. We also will have the pleasure of hearing from guest speaker Scott Lassiter, Wake Soil and Water Supervisor. Monday, February 27, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Dinner & Social 6:00 - 6:50 p.m. Speakers & Meeting […]


Garner Precinct Meeting

Captain Stanley's 3333 S Wilmington St, Raleigh, NC, United States

Wake GOP Leadership Candidate Debate

Western Wake Republican Club is hosting a Wake GOP Leadership Candidate Debate. Please join us to hear our Wake County candidates and several of their slate members debate and share their vision for our county. DeVan Barbour will be the moderator as the Wake GOP Chair candidates make their case as to why their leadership […]


Raleigh Republican Club – March 9th

Come listen to one of the country's best state treasurers, Dale Folwell who spends, as well as guards, our tax dollars wisely!


Movie Night at the Wake County Republican Office – March 14, 2023

Wake County Republican Party Office 1401 Sunday Dr. Suite 105, Raleigh

Register to join us for Movie Night at the Wake County Republican Office where we will be screening Uncle Tom. Pizza, Popcorn and cold drinks will be provided. Sign up to save your spot.


Western Wake Republican Club Meeting

Please join us for our monthly club meeting as we welcome our featured speaker A. P. Dillon, North State Journal Reporter. We will also have the pleasure of hearing from guest speaker Chief Judge Donna Stroud from the North Carolina Court of Appeals. Monday, March 27, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Dinner & Social 6:00 - […]


April luncheon

April luncheon at Sophie’s Grill in Cary with great Speaker Mamie Brooks co founder of F.A.C.T.S.

Apex Republican Club

Hall Weatherman will be speaking at the Apex Republicans event on Tuesday, April 18th at 6:30pm at J & S New York Pizza , 804 Perry Rd. Apex 27502.

Wake Republican Women April Meeting

Wake Republican Women meet for our regular monthly meeting on Thursday April 20, 2023 with Special Guest NC Treasurer Dale Folwell. RSVP to secure your seat at http://www.wakerepublicanwomen.org/checkout.html