Raleigh NW / Raleigh SW Precinct Meetings
Register Here: https://www.wakegopconvention.com/registration
Register Here: https://www.wakegopconvention.com/registration
Register Here: https://www.wakegopconvention.com/registration
Register Here: https://www.wakegopconvention.com/registration
Register Here: https://www.wakegopconvention.com/registration
Join us for our “Pumped for the Primary” meeting to hear keynote speaker Christian Talk Show host Steve Noble rally our base. We'll be featuring our Council of State candidates Luke Farley, Jon Hardister, Rivera Douthit, Seth Woodall, Peter Boykin, A.J. Doud, Michele Morrow, and Catherine Truitt. We'll also hear from candidates Jacob Arthur, Eric […]
Register Here: https://www.wakegopconvention.com/registration
Link to more information on Election Day: https://www.wake.gov/departments-government/board-elections/election-information/election-day-voting
Republican Women of Cary and Southwestern Wake cordially invite you to our March Luncheon featuring retired Secret Service Agent Dennis (Denny) Schlindwein. this event includes lunch. Lunch is $23.00 for members and $28.00 for nonmembers email [email protected] to RSVP and for questions
True or False? Property taxes went up last year in the City of Raleigh. Raleigh City Mayor responsibilities never affect any Raleigh City residents. Raleigh City Council members work for the Legislature, not for residents of the city. The main job of a city mayor is to be city spokesperson and go on TV as […]
Link for County Convention Information: https://www.wakegopconvention.com/
Marching Toward Victory in 2024!!! Join us for our luncheon meeting to plan our strategies and success for the club and candidates this year! And, come meet the new board! Meeting starts at 11:45.
Please join us to hear from featured speaker Dallas Woodhouse, NC Executive Director of American Majority, as he discusses "Winning the Absentee Ballot War." We will also hear from our now General Election Candidates after winning their primary races; Jacob Arthur-Wake Commissioner Candidate, Scott Lassiter-NC Senate D13 Candidate, Eric Blankenburg-US Congress D4 Candidate, Michele Morrow-Supt. […]